Robert Bognar
 VASEM Member Profile

University Distinguished Professor Robert Bodnar

Member, National Academy of Sciences
C. C. Garvin Professor and University Distinguished Professor of Geosciences
Virginia Tech

Robert Bodnar is the C. C. Garvin Professor and University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech. Bodnar’s research involves field, laboratory, and theoretical studies and focuses on the role of geofluids in various earth and planetary processes, including the formation of mineral deposits of copper, gold, silver, and uranium, extraction of energy and mineral resources, assessing volcanic risk in regions of active volcanism, formation and evolution of mountain belts, and the search for evidence of water and life in extraterrestrial samples.

Bodnar is a fellow of the Geological Society of America, the Geochemical Society, the European Association of Geochemistry, the Society of Economic Geologists, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Mineralogical Society of America, and the American Geophysical Union. In 2023, Bodnar was elected to the National Academy of Sciences.


  • Ph.D., Geochemistry, Penn State University
  • M.S., Geology, University of Arizona
  • B.S., Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh

    Fluid inclusions, melt inclusions, mineral deposits, volcanic systems, geohydrologic cycle