VASEM Member Profile

Richard Guerrant

Member, National Academy of Medicine
Thomas H Hunter Professor Emeritus of International Medicine
Founder and Former Director, Center for Global Health Equity
Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health; Department of Medicine
University of Virginia School of Medicine
University of Virginia


Guerrant has worked in the Congo, Bangladesh, and Brazil and has his B.S. from Davidson College, his M.D. from the University of Virginia, and his residency in medicine at the Harvard Medical Service/Boston City Hospital. He has held fellowships in Infectious Diseases at NIH, Johns Hopkins, and UVa. Dr. Guerrant edits the major textbook on Tropical Infectious Diseases, among 10 other books, and is author of over 720 scientific articles (18 with UVa’s 3 Nobel Laureates) and reviews. His work focuses on enteric infections and their long-term consequences for child growth and cognitive development. He and his colleagues also discovered the potential benefits of the major recognized Alzheimer’s Disease risk gene, APOE4 that likely contributed to its evolution. He is past president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and recipient of its Walter Reed Medal. He founded one of the nation’s first Trans-University Centers for Global Health at UVa and is recipient the Mentor Award of IDSA (2009), of the University’s Distinguished Scientist Award (2009) and of its highest honor, the Thomas Jefferson Award in 2010, and was Outstanding Scientist of Virginia in 2012. Elected to the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, Guerrant chaired its Board on Global Health. Among his latest books are “Evolution of Evolution: The Survival Value of Caring” and “Why Care? ….and How?”