Madhav Marathe
 VASEM Member Profile

Madhav Marathe

Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity
Director of the Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing Division, Biocomplexity Institute
Professor of Computer Science
University of Virginia



Madhav Marathe is an endowed Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity at the University of Virginia, the Director of the Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing Division at its Biocomplexity Institute, and a Professor of Computer Science. His research focuses on the scientific foundations and the associated engineering principles needed to study large, multiscale complex biological, information, social, and technical networks. His areas of expertise include network science, artificial intelligence, multiagent systems, high-performance computing, epidemiology and more broadly contagion science, complex interacting living and nonliving systems, sustainability science, and data analytics.

Marathe is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Association for Computing Machinery, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was the Inaugural George Michael Distinguished Scholar at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, State University of New York (Albany)
  • B.Tech., Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Chenai

    Network science, computational epidemiology, multiagent systems, callable computing, AI