
Thank you for being part of the vision to secure the future of Virginia as a national leader in science, engineering, and medicine. Our long-term goal is to ensure a better future for all of our citizens. To fully realize this vision, we need your support to promote excellence in science, health and technology and to enhance the development of emerging young leaders across our Commonwealth. Please support the VASEM vision by making a tax-deductible donation.


On this page:

Your support allows us to…

  • Provide financial assistance to our (COVES) Policy Fellowship program which aims to strengthen the scientific and technical capacity of state government, private industry, and nonprofit organizations in the Commonwealth of Virginia by equipping young scientists and engineers to be effective advisors for public policy.
  • Provide support for our annual summit which convenes leading thinkers on important topics relevant to Virginia; Sustainable Energy (2024), Smart Communities (2023), and Securing the Future of Cyberspace (2022).
  • Produce scientifically sound reports to help Virginia agencies consider future evidence-based actions, such as actions related to AI integration and the growing demand for data centers in Virginia.
  • Provide special programs for members at our state universities and colleges that will foster collaboration and new opportunities.

You may increase your impact by checking whether it is eligible for a match from your employer. If you would like to consider including VASEM in your legacy planning, please contact us for more information. Your gift is tax-deductible – VASEM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization – and allows us to remain independent and respond quickly and efficiently to state requests.

Give Online

Our preferred method is online. You can donate securely via our DonorBox. A contribution at any level enables us to increase the Academy’s impact.

Give by Mail

Make checks payable to the Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine and send to:

Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine
Attn: Nicole McAllister
800 East Canal Street, 7th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219