Kylor Kerns
 COVES Fellow Profile

Kylor Kerns

  • Ph.D. Candidate, Marine Ecology
  • University of Virginia
  • Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Kylor earned her BSc. in Environmental Science at the University of Virginia. Since beginning graduate school, she’s received her Ph.D candidacy and led as president of the largest UVA graduate school (GSAS) and currently serves as chair of all 12 UVA graduate schools. Her research and professional policy-driven interests intersect, asking questions about climate change in coastal ecosystems, blue carbon, and economic valuation (carbon markets). Since collaborating on projects with the Blue carbon lab in Australia, The Nature Conservancy, and Terra Carbon, she pursues policy and stakeholder solutions to incentivize long-term investment in coastal habitats.


  • Ph.D. Candidate, Marine Ecology, University of Virginia
  • BSc., Environmental Science , University of Virginia