COVES Fellow Profile

Juli Dutta

  • M.S., Computer Science
  • Norfolk State University
  • Department of Conservation and Recreation

“COVES’ weekly speakers were critical in allowing me to learn more about science policy, science communication, and jobs in these fields.”

Summer Responsibilities: To help ensure the stability of Virginia’s dams, Juli identified several sources of federal funding for dam safety. She documented their requirements, other states’ use of these funds, and the possibility of securing FEMA funding under the National Dam Safety Program.

Background: Juli’s master’s degree research project focuses on potential cybersecurity threats in the maritime industry. She has examined specific sources of vulnerabilities including humans, offshore and onshore systems, and maritime vessels, then scrutinized through the lens of selected, documented maritime cybersecurity incidents from around the globe. Such findings qualitatively show the extent to which cybersecurity risk threatens the maritime industry and other dependent segments including critical infrastructures.


  • M.S., Computer Science, Norfolk State University