Adele Balmer
 COVES Fellow Profile

Adele Balmer

  • Ph.D. candidate, Integrative Life Sciences
  • Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

“I have a better understanding of how important it is to take a holistic approach to policy; it is never as straightforward as it appears.”

Summer Responsibilities: Adele used her statistical expertise gained as a graduate student to build a model showing how 30 different health factors affect Medicaid spending. Her findings will help the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee focus on alleviating the health factors that could yield potential cost savings.

Background: Adele’s dissertation uses a long-term dataset to assess factors influencing the demographic rates of Prothonotary Warblers, with a focus on climate change. She is passionate about effectively communicating science and currently has six publications: four in academic journals, one scientific report to the USFWS, one encyclopedia article, and a book overviewing the federal and state environmental review process for local government stakeholders.


  • Ph.D. candidate, Integrative Life Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • M.S., Biology, Auburn University
  • B.S., Biology, University of Nevada