Dennis Manos joined the William & Mary faculty in 1992. He has been the VP for Research at W&M since 2004. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Case Western Reserve University, a doctorate from Ohio State University, and performed post-doctoral research at University of Toronto. A veteran, Manos served in the Army’s Medical Field Service Corps. Manos has performed experimental and computational modeling in magnetically confined fusion reactions, space science, material science, ultra-high vacuum systems, and surface physics, where he has helped to develop novel optical, electromagnetic, and charged-particle diagnostics for advance material processes used in device creation, for production of energy, and for remediation of the environment. He has developed patents and other intellectual property for nanomaterials like graphene, and combinations of metals with light elements for application to advanced batteries, supercapacitors, semiconductors, and other high-value thin-films. His recent work includes applications for concentrated solar power, high-heat flux handling for nuclear, ground and space systems, and superconducting and optical coatings and materials used in accelerators. Presently, Manos is part of the international team of applied scientists and engineers working to design the post-LIGO generation of gravity-wave observatories.

VASEM Member Profile
Dr. Dennis Manos
CSX Professor of Applied Science and Physics
Vice-Provost for Research
William & Mary